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Writing to CSV, getting "Error: need to escape" for a blank string




I am probably going to feel very dumb when someone spots what I'm doing wrong here, but I am finding myself unable to defeat what looks like it should be a simple error.

I am writing some data to a CSV with Python. One of the things I want to write is a list of integers. I join the list into a string before writing it to the file:

with open('publishers.csv', 'wb') as f:     writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='|', quotechar='')     for item in big_list_of_objects:         description = item.description         number_list = item.number_list         formatted_numbers = "-".join(number_list)         writer.writerow([             description,             formatted_numbers             ]) 

number_list may have anywhere from zero to a whole bunch of numbers in it. If it's an empty list, the join just sets formatted_numbers equal to a blank string. If it's not an empty list, I get a string made of up integers connected by hyphens.

number_list = [1,2,34,12] formatted_numbers = '1-2-34-12'  number_list = [] formatted_numbers = '' 

That's the idea, anyway. In reality, what happens is the first five rows write successfully then I get:

File "<console>", line 1, in <module>   File "/path/path/path.py", line 500, in offending_function     formatted_numbers Error: need to escape, but no escapechar set 

Now in this particular situation, the first five rows that write successfully have an empty number_list. The row that consistently crashes also has an empty number_list. There is nothing weird about the value being written immediately before or after number_list on this row. And there is nothing weird about the formatted_numbers being written when this error crops up - I tossed in a print statement to debug, and it's just an empty string like the five before it.

Can anyone help me figure out where I might be going wrong here?

Edit: I have added these print statements:

with open('publishers.csv', 'wb') as f:     writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='|', quotechar='')     for item in big_list_of_objects:         description = item.description         print "Description for %r is %r" % (item,description)         number_list = item.number_list         print "Now formatting %r for %r" % (number_list,item)         formatted_numbers = "-".join(number_list)         print repr(formatted_numbers)         writer.writerow([             description,             formatted_numbers             ]) 

The result:

Description for 'p89' is u'' Now formatting '' for 'p89' '' Description for 'p88' is u'' Now formatting '' for 'p88' '' Description for 'p83' is u'' Now formatting '' for 'p83' '' Description for 'p82' is u'in-tr-t91411' Now formatting '' for 'p82' '' Description for 'p81' is u'' Now formatting '' for 'p81' '' Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>   File "/path/path/path.py", line 501, in offending_function     formatted_numbers Error: need to escape, but no escapechar set 

p81 is not written to the CSV - this is where the crash occurs. However, as you can see, print repr(formatted_numbers) reveals it to be a blank string identical to those before it. There is no description for item p81 (just a blank string), but there is a description for the item preceding it.

like image 557
souldeux Avatar asked Aug 20 '15 00:08


People also ask

How do I write a string in a CSV file?

Steps for writing a CSV file First, open the CSV file for writing ( w mode) by using the open() function. Second, create a CSV writer object by calling the writer() function of the csv module. Third, write data to CSV file by calling the writerow() or writerows() method of the CSV writer object.

What is a quotechar in csv Python?

quotechar specifies the character used to surround fields that contain the delimiter character. The default is a double quote ( ' " ' ). escapechar specifies the character used to escape the delimiter character, in case quotes aren't used.

What does csv quote_ NONE do?

QUOTE_NONE ), the csv module uses the quotechar (which defaults to " ) to quote field. The following listing changes the quote character from double quote ( " ) to a single quote ( ' ). In this case, the csv module uses the single quote ( ' ) instead of ( " ) to quote fields containing quotechar or delimiter.

What is quote char in csv?

So quote characters are used in CSV files when the text within a field also includes a comma and could be confused as being the reserved comma delimiter for the next field. Quote characters indicate the start and end of a block of text where any comma characters can be ignored.

1 Answers

The issue is most probably occuring because your description has | in it, which is the delimiter for your csv as well. Hence, csv is trying to escape it, but cannot since no csv.escapechars are set. Example to show same issue in my computer -

>>> description = 'asda|sd' >>> formatted_numbers = '' >>> with open('a.csv','w') as f: ...     writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='|', quotechar='') ...     writer.writerow([ ...             description, ...             formatted_numbers ...             ]) ... Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 5, in <module> _csv.Error: need to escape, but no escapechar set 

One fix would be to provide an escapechar so that it can be escaped. Example -

writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter='|', quotechar='',escapechar='\\')    #Or any other appropriate escapechar 

Or another fix would be to remove the | in the description before trying to write it, if you do not really need it in the description field -

description = description.replace('|','') 

Or you can quote all the fields , by using csv.QUOTE_ALL instead of csv.QUOTE_NONE as provide a valid quotechar .

like image 147
Anand S Kumar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Anand S Kumar