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Writing pseudocode for parallel programming

How do you write pseudo-code for parallel programming? Especially, how do you differentiate local and shared variables? How do you represent operations like scatter, gather, reduce, broadcast, and point-to-point communications? Is there some standards about that?

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Charles Brunet Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 15:04

Charles Brunet

People also ask

What is parallel programming with example?

With parallel programming, a developer writes code with specialized software to make it easy for them to run their program across on multiple nodes or processors. A simple example of where parallel programming could be used to speed up processing is recoloring an image.

2 Answers

Pseudo code is pretty much just English. So, you can use whatever is clear and unambiguous. It's not a programming language, so you don't need to represent operations like "scatter" .. you can just say "scatter".

There are no standards for pseudo-code, but good pseudo-code is simple and easy to understand.

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Larry Watanabe Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10

Larry Watanabe

I found at least one pseudolanguage for parallel programming: Peril-L. It is formal, but a little bit too low level for my taste.

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Charles Brunet Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Charles Brunet