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Writing my own 3D Game Engine




I want to write a simple 3d game engine for apply. I have bought some vital Books like :

  • Ultimate 3D game programming by sherrod
  • Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10.0
  • Real-Time Rendering, Third Edition
  • 3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition: A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics
  • COMPLETE-Effect-HLSL-Guide
  • ShaderX 6
  • Game Engine Architecture
  • Real-Time Cameras
  • Game Programming Gems 6
  • Best of Game Programming Gems

I am reading them, but I need a Road Map. please give me some advice. thanks.

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Behrouz.M Avatar asked Jul 28 '10 13:07


1 Answers

I would recommend first building at least a small game using an existing engine so that you understand what an engine is from that point of view. Personally I'd recommend Unity, NeoAxis or UDK.

Then focus on building a game without without such an engine (as others have recommended). You might want to start by using some existing sub-systems like Ogre3D a slowly replace these with your own.

Then you'll be in position to start thinking about how to make an engine that's suitable for other games.

Jumping straight in to building even a simple engine is a bit like trying to write a novel without having ever read one. (And actually, novels are pretty simple compared to game engines.)

Of those books, I'd pick Game Engine Architecture and go right through it, rather than flip between different books. Use the others just for additional points of view, at least for now.

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RD1 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09