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Writing google Javascript similar to vlookup

ColumnA ColumnB
jhinz    115
tom      116 

The idea behind this code is someone enters a number (lets say 116), the computer looks it up in column B and returns the name in column A (tom)

The only part I need help on for the code is the computer looking up the value in column 116.

I was trying to do a for loop with a nested if statement but it wasn't working. Could someone help me?

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user1293629 Avatar asked May 31 '12 17:05


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Yes, it is possible to emulate many of the built-in functions by using Class Spreadsheet (SpreadsheetApp) and JavaScript Array Object and its methods, but "the emulations" usually will be slower than built-in functions.

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1 Answers

in its simplest form and to see the working principle you could try this :

function findinB() {
  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var last=ss.getLastRow();
  var data=sh.getRange(1,1,last,2).getValues();// create an array of data from columns A and B
  var valB=Browser.inputBox('Enter value to search in B')
    if (data[nn][1]==valB){break} ;// if a match in column B is found, break the loop
Browser.msgBox(data[nn][0]);// show column A
like image 53
Serge insas Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Serge insas