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Writing first JUnit test

So I've read the official JUnit docs, which contain a plethora of examples, but (as with many things) I have Eclipse fired up and I am writing my first JUnit test, and I'm choking on some basic design/conceptual issues.

So if my WidgetUnitTest is testing a target called Widget, I assume I'll need to create a fair number of Widgets to use throughout the test methods. Should I be constructing these Widgets in the WidgetUnitTest constructor, or in the setUp() method? Should there be a 1:1 ratio of Widgets to test methods, or do best practices dictate reusing Widgets as much as possible?

Finally, how much granularity should exist between asserts/fails and test methods? A purist might argue that 1-and-only-1 assertions should exist inside a test method, however under that paradigm, if Widget has a getter called getBuzz(), I'll end up with 20 different test methods for getBuzz() with names like

public void testGetBuzzWhenFooIsNullAndFizzIsNonNegative() { ... }

As opposed to 1 method that tests a multitude of scenarios and hosts a multitude of assertions:

public void testGetBuzz() { ... }

Thanks for any insight from some JUnit maestros!

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IAmYourFaja Avatar asked Oct 05 '11 17:10


People also ask

Should unit tests be written first?

It often makes sense to write the test first and then write as much code as needed to allow the test to pass. Doing this moves towards a practice known as Test-Driven Development (TDD). Bluefruit uses a lot of TDD because it helps us to build the right product without waste and redundancies.

How do you start writing a unit test?

Follow Arrange, Act, Assert The AAA is a general approach to writing more readable unit tests. In the first step, you arrange things up for testing. It's where you set variables, instantiate objects, and do the rest of the required setup for the test to run. During this step, you also define the expected result.

3 Answers


Interesting question. First of all - my ultimate test pattern configured in IDE:

public void shouldDoSomethingWhenSomeEventOccurs() throws Exception



I am always starting with this code (smart people call it BDD).

  • In given I place test setup unique for each test.

  • when is ideally a single line - the thing you are testing.

  • then should contain assertions.

I am not a single assertion advocate, however you should test only single aspect of a behavior. For instance if the the method should return something and also has some side effects, create two tests with same given and when sections.

Also the test pattern includes throws Exception. This is to handle annoying checked exceptions in Java. If you test some code that throws them, you won't be bothered by the compiler. Of course if the test throws an exception it fails.


Test setup is very important. On one hand it is reasonable to extract common code and place it in setup()/@Before method. However note that when reading a test (and readability is the biggest value in unit testing!) it is easy to miss setup code hanging somewhere at the beginning of the test case. So relevant test setup (for instance you can create widget in different ways) should go to test method, but infrastructure (setting up common mocks, starting embedded test database, etc.) should be extracted. Once again to improve readability.

Also are you aware that JUnit creates new instance of test case class per each test? So even if you create your CUT (class under test) in the constructor, the constructor is called before each test. Kind of annoying.


First name your test and think what use-case or functionality you want to test, never think in terms of:

this is a Foo class having bar() and buzz() methods so I create FooTest with testBar() and testBuzz(). Oh dear, I need to test two execution paths throughout bar() - so let us create testBar1() and testBar2().

shouldTurnOffEngineWhenOutOfFuel() is good, testEngine17() is bad.

More on naming

What does the testGetBuzzWhenFooIsNullAndFizzIsNonNegative name tell about the test? I know it tests something, but why? And don't you think the details are too intimate? How about:

@Test shouldReturnDisabledBuzzWhenFooNotProvidedAndFizzNotNegative`

It both describes the input in a meaningful manner and your intent (assuming disabled buzz is some sort of buzz status/type). Also note we no longer hardcode getBuzz() method name and null contract for Foo (instead we say: when Foo is not provided). What if you replace null with null object pattern in the future?

Also don't be afraid of 20 different test methods for getBuzz(). Instead think of 20 different use cases you are testing. However if your test case class grows too big (since it is typically much larger than tested class), extract into several test cases. Once again: FooHappyPathTest, FooBogusInput and FooCornerCases are good, Foo1Test and Foo2Test are bad.


Strive for short and descriptive names. Few lines in given and few in then. That's it. Create builders and internal DSLs, extract methods, write custom matchers and assertions. The test should be even more readable than production code. Don't over-mock.

I find it useful to first write a series of empty well-named test case methods. Then I go back to the first one. If I still understand what was I suppose to test under what conditions, I implement the test building a class API in the meantime. Then I implement that API. Smart people call it TDD (see below).

Recommended reading:

  • Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
  • Unit Testing in Java: How Tests Drive the Code
  • Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
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Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

You would create a new instance of the class under test in your setup method. You want each test to be able to execute independently without having to worry about any unwanted state in the object under test from another previous test.

I would recommend having separate test for each scenario/behavior/logic flow that you need to test, not one massive test for everything in getBuzz(). You want each test to have a focused purpose of what you want to verify in getBuzz().

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Kristian Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10


Rather than testing methods try to focus on testing behaviors. Ask the question "what should a widget do?" Then write a test that affirms the answer. Eg. "A widget should fidget"

public void setUp() throws Exception {
   myWidget = new Widget();

public void testAWidgetShouldFidget() throws Exception {

compile, see "no method fidget defined " errors, fix the errors, recompile the test and repeat. Next ask the question what should the result of each behavior be, in our case what happens as the result of fidget? Maybe there is some observable output like a new 2D coordinate position. In this case our widget would be assumed to be in a given position and when it fidgets it's position is altered some way.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
   //Given a widget
   myWidget = new Widget();
   //And it's original position
   Point initialWidgetPosition = widget.position();

public void testAWidgetShouldFidget() throws Exception {

public void testAWidgetPositionShouldChangeWhenItFidgets() throws Exception {
  assertNotEquals(initialWidgetPosition, widget.position());

Some would argue against both tests exercising the same fidget behavior but it makes sense to single out the behavior of fidget independent of how it impacts widget.position(). If one behavior breaks the single test will pinpoint the cause of failure. Also it is important to state that the behavior can be exercised on its own as a fulfillment of the spec (you do have program specs don't you?) that suggests you need a fidgety widget. In the end it's all about realizing your program specs as code that exercises your interfaces which demonstrate both that you've completed the spec and secondly how one interacts with your product. This is in essence how TDD should work. Any attempt to resolve bugs or test the product usually results in a frustrating pointless debate over which framework to use, level of coverage and how fine grained your suite should be. Each test case should be an exercise of breaking down your spec into a component where you can begin phrasing with Given/When/Then. Given {some application state or precondition} When {a behavior is invoked} Then {assert some observable output}.

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Cliff Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
