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writing "dictionary of dictionaries" to .csv file in a particular format

I am generating a dictionary out of multiple .csv files and it looks like this (example):

dtDict = {'AV-IM-1-13991730': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '0.96',
                      '6/1/2014 0:15': '0.92',
                      '6/1/2014 0:20': '0.97'},
 'AV-IM-1-13991731': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '1.96',
                      '6/1/2014 0:15': '1.92',
                      '6/1/2014 0:20': '1.97'},
 'AV-IM-1-13991732': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '2.96',
                      '6/1/2014 0:15': '2.92',
                      '6/1/2014 0:20': '2.97'},
 'AV-IM-1-13991733': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '3.96',
                      '6/1/2014 0:15': '3.96',
                      '6/1/2014 0:20': '3.97'}}

I want to save it to a .csv file in the following format:

6/1/2014 0:10,0.96,1.96,2.96,3.96
6/1/2014 0:15,0.92,1.92,2.92,3.96
6/1/2014 0:20,0.97,1.97,2.97,3.97

The piece of code I have as of now (related to this objective):

header = '''# file...... Recorder file
# date...... Thu Mar 12 14:35:32 2015
# user...... Sri
# host...... (null)
# group..... None
# property.. AVA Measurements
# limit..... 
# interval..''' 

testpower        = open("custpower.csv",'w')
testpower.writelines([header,'\n','# timestamp\n'])
for key, value in dtDict.iteritems():
    #Still trying to figure out how to write to custpower.csv

I tried doing something similar to this:

for key, value in dtDict.iteritems():

but it didnot quite do what I was trying to do.

like image 920
Nikhil Gupta Avatar asked Jul 15 '15 17:07

Nikhil Gupta

People also ask

How do I write a dictionary in a CSV file?

Easiest way is to open a csv file in 'w' mode with the help of open() function and write key value pair in comma separated form. The csv module contains DictWriter method that requires name of csv file to write and a list object containing field names.

Can a Python dictionary be saved as a CSV file?

In this Answer, we will learn how to save a Python dictionary as a CSV file. Using the pandas library is one of the easiest ways to convert a Python dictionary to a CSV file.

How do I print a dictionary in csv?

In Python to convert a dictionary to CSV use the dictwriter() method. This method is used to insert data into the CSV file. In Python, the CSV module stores the dictwriter() method. It creates an object and works like the dictwriter().

What is a csv dictionary?

Usage of csv. DictReader. CSV, or "comma-separated values", is a common file format for data. The csv module helps you to elegantly process data stored within a CSV file.

2 Answers

This is beyond simple if you can use pandas.

import pandas as pd

data = {'AV-IM-1-13991730': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '0.96',
                             '6/1/2014 0:15': '0.92',
                             '6/1/2014 0:20': '0.97'},
        'AV-IM-1-13991731': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '1.96',
                             '6/1/2014 0:15': '1.92',
                             '6/1/2014 0:20': '1.97'},
        'AV-IM-1-13991732': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '2.96',
                             '6/1/2014 0:15': '2.92',
                             '6/1/2014 0:20': '2.97'},
        'AV-IM-1-13991733': {'6/1/2014 0:10': '3.96',
                             '6/1/2014 0:15': '3.96',
                             '6/1/2014 0:20': '3.97'}}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df becomes a DataFrame that looks like

              AV-IM-1-13991730 AV-IM-1-13991731 AV-IM-1-13991732 AV-IM-1-13991733
6/1/2014 0:10             0.96             1.96             2.96             3.96
6/1/2014 0:15             0.92             1.92             2.92             3.96
6/1/2014 0:20             0.97             1.97             2.97             3.97

And your resulting csv looks like

6/1/2014 0:10,0.96,1.96,2.96,3.96
6/1/2014 0:15,0.92,1.92,2.92,3.96
6/1/2014 0:20,0.97,1.97,2.97,3.97

Pandas is also nice because you can then do:

# the converts change "0.97" -> 0.97 so it's plottable

To get:


like image 131
Adam Smith Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Adam Smith

You can re-organize your data into a new dictionary of lists structure like this. Keep in mind, you this will read in the entire file before printing (it has to get the last value for the first timestamp). So it may be slow if your input is huge. Also, dictionaries don't keep their keys in any particular order, so if order matters you may want to save the keys in a separate list.

ts = dtDict.keys()

print "timestamp," + ",".join(ts)   
reformatted = {}

for k in ts:
    sub_dict = dtDict[k]
    for timestamp in sub_dict.keys():
        value = sub_dict[timestamp]
        if not reformatted.has_key(timestamp):
            reformatted[timestamp] = []

for rec in reformatted.keys():
    print rec + " " + ",".join(reformatted[rec])

Of course, if the set of timestamps is always consistent, you can do something even simpler:

datasets = dtDict.keys()
timestamps = dtDict[datasets[0]].keys()

for ts in timestamps:
    values = []
    for ds in datasets:
    print ts + " " + "".join(values)

Again, it will show up in some arbitrary order unless you set the order ahead of time. So instead of setting the timestamps from the dictionary itself you would just read them in ahead of time.

like image 40
ate50eggs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
