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Writing dependencies in makefile, with makefile

Based on some SO questions -- and some further reference found --, I'm trying to build a makefile able to:

  • find, given the directories in $(SRC), the .cpp files to be compiled;
  • compile the .cpp, producing .o objects;
  • generate .so shared objects from each .o formerly compiled.

What the make file is supposed to do to achieve that is:

  • find, given the directories in $(SRC), the .cpp files to be compiled;
  • build the dependency list for each .cpp using -MM compiler's flag;
  • annotate/add each dependency using $(eval ...);
  • evaluate/solve each dependency found, producing both the .o and .so files.

What do I have so far: I've been able to do quite the whole thing, except for making it work (: The error I'm getting states that there is, somehow, an empty label '' as dependency:

$ make make: * No rule to make target ', needed by /home/rubens/bin/label.o'. Stop.

So, here is the makefile I'm yet not able to run:

# Directories
SRC := process init
BIN := $(HOME)/bin

LIB := watershed
INC := $(WATERSHED)/include $(XERCES)/include

# Paths
MPICPP := mpic++
SOURCES := $(shell find $(SRC) -name '*.cpp')
OBJECTS := $(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(notdir $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)))
SHARED := $(OBJECTS:.o=.so)

# Flags 
CFLAGS := -std=c++0x -O2 -Wall -fPIC
CFLAGS += $(foreach inc, $(INC), -I $(inc))
LFLAGS += $(foreach lib, $(LIB), -l $(lib))
LFLAGS += $(foreach path, $(LIBPATH), -L $(lib))

# Rules
$(SHARED): | bindir
        @echo $@ -- [$<][$^][$*]
        @echo $(MPICPP) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

%.so: %.o
        @echo $(MPICPP) $(LFLAGS) -shared $< -o $@

        @mkdir -p $(BIN)

# Utilities
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(SHARED)
        @rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(SHARED)

# Dependencies
define dependencies
$(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(notdir $(1:.cpp=.o))): \
        $(shell $(MPICPP) $(CFLAGS) -MM $(1) | sed 's/^.*\.o:[ ]*//')
$(foreach src, $(SOURCES), $(eval $(call dependencies, $(src))))

Where exactly seems to be the error: It seems to be caused by the dependency generation step, as, when I remove any empty lines , piping the output to grep, as follows:

define dependencies
$(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(notdir $(1:.cpp=.o))): \
        $(shell $(MPICPP) $(CFLAGS) -MM $(1) | sed 's/^.*\.o:[ ]*//' | \
        grep -v ^$)

The error somehow digivolves to an empty list of dependencies; I'm able to see the list is actually empty with the echo's in rule %.o: -- the only variables not empty are $@ and $*.

/home/rubens/bin/label.o -- [][][/home/rubens/bin/label]

mpic++ -std=c++0x -O2 -Wall -fPIC -I /home/rubens/libwatershed/include -I /home/rubens/xerces-c-3.1.1/include -c -o /home/rubens/bin/label.o

mpic++ -l watershed -L -shared /home/rubens/bin/label.o -o /home/rubens/bin/label.so

Any advice on better ways to solve this are very, very welcome; yet, I would really like to finish writing this makefile, before I get to use something like Cmake or Scons.

like image 898
Rubens Avatar asked May 03 '13 12:05


People also ask

What are dependencies in a makefile?

A dependency is a file that is used as input to create the target. A target often depends on several files. A command is an action that make carries out. A rule may have more than one command, each on its own line.

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The simple answer is that %.o is a target that matches any file ending in .o. "%.o: %. c" means that any file ending in .o depends on the same filename ending in . c to be present.

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If you want a string to have a dollar sign, you can use $$ . This is how to use a shell variable in bash or sh . Note the differences between Makefile variables and Shell variables in this next example.

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makefile and Makefile are special names because if make is called without the -f option it automatically searches for them, in this order, and use the first it finds. Note that GNU make also considers GNUmakefile , and prefers it over makefile and Makefile . Other make implementations can have other default names.

1 Answers

-MM will already generate the dependencies on a Makefile format so you could simplify this by generating the dependencies for each *.cpp into a same file, then just doing an -include $(DEPS_FILE). That's probably more maintainable than using eval.

like image 138
Nico Brailovsky Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Nico Brailovsky