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Write to a file stream returned from getResourceAsStream()


I am getting a a InputStream from getResourceAsStream(), and I managed to read from the file by passing the returned InputStream to a BufferedReader.

Is there any way I can write to the file as well?

like image 800
Andreas Grech Avatar asked May 09 '10 10:05

Andreas Grech

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1 Answers

Not directly, no - getResourceAsStream() is intended to return a view on read-only resources.

If you know that the resource is a writeable file, though, you can jump through some hoops, e.g.

URL resourceUrl = getClass().getResource(path); File file = new File(resourceUrl.toURI()); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file); 

This should work nicely on unix-style systems, but windows file paths might give this indigestion. Try it and find out, though, you might be OK.

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skaffman Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
