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Write a query join sum groupby in laravel





Please help me write query.
I have 2 table: "projects" and "debts"
"debts" table have

id | project_id | currency_list | total
1  | 1          | 1             | 1000
2  | 1          | 2             | 500
3  | 2          | 1             | 1000
4  | 2          | 2             | 500

I need write query to take 1000 rows from projects and SUM all "total" with group by "currency_list"

Thanks a lot :)

like image 781
Алексей Морозов Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 05:03

Алексей Морозов

1 Answers

Hey i tried for you its hope working :) First you should have tow models for tables In your Project model call like this

    public function debts(){
      return $this->hasMany('App\Debt','project_id')->selectRaw('debts.*,sum(total) as sum')->groupBy('currency_list');

and call this in your controller

$projects = Project::with('debts')->get()->toArray();

check your dd($projects) as array

EDIT : Use this in your controller function

$projects = DB::table('projects')
            ->join('debts', 'projects.id', '=', 'debts.projects_id')
            ->select('projects.*','debts.*', DB::raw('sum(total) as sum'))

then in your view use

@foreach($projects as $project)
like image 145
Hamelraj Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 07:03
