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Write a method which accepts a lambda expression




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Which method you can pass lambda expression?

If we need to pass a lambda expression as an argument, the type of parameter receiving the lambda expression argument must be of a functional interface type. In the below example, the lambda expression can be passed in a method which argument's type is "TestInterface".

How do you convert lambda expression to method?

To make the code clearer, you can turn that lambda expression into a method reference: Consumer<String> c = System. out::println; In a method reference, you place the object (or class) that contains the method before the :: operator and the name of the method after it without arguments.

Can you give an example of lambda expression?

Java Lambda Expression Example: with or without return keyword. In Java lambda expression, if there is only one statement, you may or may not use return keyword. You must use return keyword when lambda expression contains multiple statements. // Lambda expression without return keyword.

Is lambda expression a method?

A lambda expression is a short block of code which takes in parameters and returns a value. Lambda expressions are similar to methods, but they do not need a name and they can be implemented right in the body of a method.

Because the type System.Delegate isn't a "Delegate". It's just the base class. You have to use a delegate type with the correct signature. Define your Method as follows:

void MyMethod(Func<int, int> objFunc)


MyMethod(object) doesn't work because a lambda expression has no type at it's own, but the type is inferred from the type of the location it is assigned to. So object doesn't work either. You HAVE to use a delegate type with the correct signature.

void MyMethod(Action<int> lambdaHereLol)

in use:

var hurrDurr = 5;
MyMethod(x => Console.Write(x * hurrDurr));

C# is a statically typed language. The compiler needs to know the Type of everything it deals with. Lambdas are a bit hard to nail down, and sometimes the compiler can't figure it out. In my example above, if MyMethod took an object, the compiler couldn't figure out that x is an int (my example is simple, but there's nothing that says it can't be much more complex and harder to determine). So I have to be more explicit in defining the method that takes my lambda.

A lambda like (int a) => a will fit any delegate that takes an int and returns an int. Func<int,int> is just a single example, and you could easily declare one yourself with delegate int Foo(int x);. In fact this lambda expression will even fit a delegate that takes an int and returns a double, because the result of the lambda (a) is implicitly convertible to double.

In order for a lambda to be assignable to all the delegate types that it would fit, the lambda itself doesn't inherently have a type. Instead it takes on the type of the delegate you're using it as, as long as that's possible. ((int a) => a can't be assigned to Func<byte, byte> of course.)

While both Func<int, int> and the Foo delegate I defined can of course be converted to Delegate, a lambda can not be directly converted to Delegate because it is unclear what its actual signature would then be. After Delegate d = (int a) => a, would d be Foo, or Func<int, int>, or even Func<int, double>? All are valid possibilities, and the compiler has no idea what you intended. It could make a best guess, but C# is not the kind of language that does that kind of guesswork. This is also why you can't do something like var = (int a) => a.

I do think the error message that the compiler gives for Delegate d = (int a) => a; is very unclear:

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Delegate' because it is not a delegate type

Intuitively you would think Delegate is a delegate type, but that's not how things work. :)

Try this:

void MyMethod(Action<int> func) { }

You need to a strongly-typed delegate as a parameter to the method. The reason the other calls fail is because the C# compiler will not allow you to pass a lambda expression to a method expecting an Object because a lambda expression isn't necessarily always a delegate in all cases. This same rule applies for passing the lambda expression as a Delegate.

When you pass the lambda to a function like I have showed above, the compile can safely assume that you want the lambda expression to be converted to a specific delegate type and does so.