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Write a comparable LINQ query for aggregate distinct count in sql?

I want to get a count for each month but count should be only at most one per day even if there are multiple occurences . I have the SQL query which works right but having trouble to convert it into LINQ -

    count(DISTINCT DAY(date)) as Monthly_Count,
    MONTH(date) as Month,
group by

Could anyone help me translating the above query to LINQ. Thanks!

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Vishal Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 20:07


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1 Answers

Per LINQ to SQL using GROUP BY and COUNT(DISTINCT) given by @Rick, this should work:

var query = from act in db.Activity
            where act.Id == id
            group act by new { act.Date.Year, act.Date.Month } into g
            select new
                MonthlyCount = g.Select(act => act.Date.Day).Distinct().Count(),
                Month = g.Key.Month,
                Year = g.Key.Year

I don't know if L2S can convert the inner g.Select(act => act.Date.Day).Distinct.Count() properly.

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user7116 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10
