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Wrapping C++ in C: Derived to base conversions

I am wrapping a simple C++ inheritance hierarchy into "object-oriented" C. I'm trying to figure out if there any gotchas in treating the pointers to C++ objects as pointers to opaque C structs. In particular, under what circumstances would the derived-to-base conversion cause problems?

The classes themselves are relatively complex, but the hierarchy is shallow and uses single-inheritance only:

// A base class with lots of important shared functionality
class Base {
    virtual void someOperation();
    // More operations...

    // Data...

// One of several derived classes
class FirstDerived: public Base {
    virtual void someOperation();
    // More operations...

    // More data...

// More derived classes of Base..

I am planning on exposing this to C clients via the following, fairly standard object-oriented C:

// An opaque pointers to the types
typedef struct base_t base_t;
typedef struct first_derived_t first_derived_t;

void base_some_operation(base_t* object) {
     Base* base = (Base*) object;

first_derived_t* first_derived_create() {
     return (first_derived_t*) new FirstDerived();

void first_derived_destroy(first_derived_t* object) {
     FirstDerived* firstDerived = (FirstDerived*) object;
     delete firstDerived;

The C clients only pass around pointers to the underlying C++ objects and can only manipulate them via function calls. So the client can finally do something like:

first_derived_t* object = first_derived_create();
base_some_operation((base_t*) object); // Note the derived-to-base cast here

and have the virtual call to FirstDerived::someOperation() succeed as expected.

These classes are not standard-layout but do not use multiple or virtual inheritance. Is this guaranteed to work?

Note that I have control over all the code (C++ and the C wrapper), if that matters.

like image 329
Adrian Avatar asked Feb 06 '12 22:02


1 Answers

// An opaque pointers to the types
typedef struct base_t base_t;
typedef struct first_derived_t first_derived_t;

// **********************//
// inside C++ stub only. //
// **********************//

// Ensures you always cast to Base* first, then to void*,
// then to stub type pointer.  This enforces that you'll
// get consistent a address in presence of inheritance.
template<typename T>
T * get_stub_pointer ( Base * object )
     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(static_cast<void*>(object));

// Recover (intermediate) Base* pointer from stub type.
Base * get_base_pointer ( void * object )
     return reinterpret_cast<Base*>(object);

// Get derived type pointer validating that it's actually
// the right type.  Returs null pointer if the type is
// invalid.  This ensures you can detect invalid use of
// the stub functions.
template<typename T>
T * get_derived_pointer ( void * object )
    return dynamic_cast<T*>(get_base_pointer(object));

// ***********************************//
// public C exports (stub interface). //
// ***********************************//

void base_some_operation(base_t* object)
     Base* base = get_base_pointer(object);

first_derived_t* first_derived_create()
     return get_stub_pointer<first_derived_t>(new FirstDerived());

void first_derived_destroy(first_derived_t* object)
     FirstDerived * derived = get_derived_pointer<FirstDerived>(object);
     assert(derived != 0);

     delete firstDerived;

This means that you can always perform a cast such as the following.

first_derived_t* object = first_derived_create();
base_some_operation((base_t*) object);

This is safe because the base_t* pointer will be cast to void*, then to Base*. This is one step less than what happened before. Notice the order:

  1. FirstDerived*
  2. Base* (via implicit static_cast<Base*>)
  3. void* (via static_cast<void*>)
  4. first_derived_t* (via reinterpret_cast<first_derived_t*>)
  5. base_t* (via (base_t*), which is a C++-style reinterpret_cast<base_t*>)
  6. void* (via implicit static_cast<void*>)
  7. Base* (via reinterpret_cast<Base*>)

For calls that wrap a FirstDerived method, you get an extra cast:

  1. FirstDerived* (via dynamic_cast<FirstDerived*>)
like image 137
André Caron Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

André Caron