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Wrap text in a table reportlab?


I use a table but, I draw in in a canvas to control the position of the flowables, this because I have a template in a pdf, an I merge with pyPDF.

The wrap is done in a table but the text go up, not down that's what I hope.

c is the canvas


from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Table from reportlab.lib.units cm  width, height = A4 styles = getSampleStyleSheet()  def coord(x, y, unit=1):     x, y = x * unit, height -  y * unit     return x, y  descrpcion = Paragraph('long paragraph', styles["Normal"]) partida = Paragraph('1', styles["Center"]) candidad = Paragraph('120', styles["Center"]) precio_unitario = Paragraph('$52.00', styles["right"]) precio_total = Paragraph('$6240.00', styles["right"])  data= [[partida, candidad, descrpcion, precio_unitario, precio_total]] table = Table(data, colWidths=[2.05 * cm, 2.7 * cm, 9.6 * cm,                                2.65 * cm, 2.7 * cm])  c = canvas.Canvas(PDF, pagesize=A4) table.wrapOn(c, width, height) table.drawOn(c, *coord(1.8, 9.6, cm)) c.save() 


like image 224
Alquimista Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 15:01


People also ask

How do I wrap text in ReportLab table?

As mentioned, you can use 'VALIGN' to wrap text within the cells, but there is another hack if you want to further control the table elements on the canvas. Now adding two components: rowHeights attribute. _argH for finer editing of the row heights.

Is ReportLab free?

ReportLab is a free open-source document creation engine for generating PDF documents and custom vector graphics.

1 Answers

The description text went up as you wrap it in a styles["Normal"] You can try to wrap your text in a styles["BodyText"] This will allow your text to align themselves according to the width of the cell you specify. You could also include formatting which is similar to HTML text formatting.

Then use TableStyle to format the content in the table, for example, color text, center paragraph, span rows/columns and so on.

I edited the code above to a working version (example):

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Table, TableStyle from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY, TA_LEFT, TA_CENTER from reportlab.lib import colors  width, height = A4 styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles["BodyText"] styleN.alignment = TA_LEFT styleBH = styles["Normal"] styleBH.alignment = TA_CENTER  def coord(x, y, unit=1):     x, y = x * unit, height -  y * unit     return x, y  # Headers hdescrpcion = Paragraph('''<b>descrpcion</b>''', styleBH) hpartida = Paragraph('''<b>partida</b>''', styleBH) hcandidad = Paragraph('''<b>candidad</b>''', styleBH) hprecio_unitario = Paragraph('''<b>precio_unitario</b>''', styleBH) hprecio_total = Paragraph('''<b>precio_total</b>''', styleBH)  # Texts descrpcion = Paragraph('long paragraph', styleN) partida = Paragraph('1', styleN) candidad = Paragraph('120', styleN) precio_unitario = Paragraph('$52.00', styleN) precio_total = Paragraph('$6240.00', styleN)  data= [[hdescrpcion, hcandidad,hcandidad, hprecio_unitario, hprecio_total],        [partida, candidad, descrpcion, precio_unitario, precio_total]]  table = Table(data, colWidths=[2.05 * cm, 2.7 * cm, 5 * cm,                                3* cm, 3 * cm])  table.setStyle(TableStyle([                        ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),                        ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),                        ]))  c = canvas.Canvas("a.pdf", pagesize=A4) table.wrapOn(c, width, height) table.drawOn(c, *coord(1.8, 9.6, cm)) c.save() 
like image 144
Nicholas TJ Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Nicholas TJ