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WPF/C# - Applying date format to listview


I have a listview bound to a collection of objects. One of the properties is a DateTime object named startDate. It's displayed in the standard 1/1/2001 1:00:00 PM format

I want to put the date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff format just for display purposes. Is there a way to keep the underlying DateTime object in tact while displaying it in the desired format above? I'd prefer to do this in XAML as opposed to adding a display property to the object or something along those lines.

The objects implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, if that matters.

<ListView x:Name="lvBatches"                    SelectionMode="Single"                   Margin="12,73,349,61"                    Background="WhiteSmoke"                    SelectionChanged="lvBatches_SelectionChanged"                   ToolTip="Click on the column headers to sort by that column"                   FontSize="10pt"                   ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource itemStyle}"                    ItemsSource="{Binding batchCollection}"> <!-- ... -->     <GridViewColumn x:Name="colStart"                      Width="200"                      DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding startDate}">         <GridViewColumnHeader Content="Start Date"                               Click="GridViewColumnHeader_Click"/>     </GridViewColumn> 

Thanks in advance, all.

like image 281
Yatrix Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 15:08


1 Answers

Simple change the StringFormat in your binding.

DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=startDate, StringFormat='yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'}" 
like image 187
Ray Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09
