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Working with the class keyword in Java




I don't really understand how the class keywords work in some instances.

For example, the get(ClientResponse.class) method takes the ClientResponse.class. How does it use this when it gets it, and what are the advantages over just passing an instance of it?

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Mario Dennis Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 21:10

Mario Dennis

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In Java, Using predefined class name as Class or Variable name is allowed. However, According to Java Specification Language(§3.9) the basic rule for naming in Java is that you cannot use a keyword as name of a class, name of a variable nor the name of a folder used for package.

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1 Answers

In ClientResponse.class, class is not a keyword, neither a static field in the class ClientResponse.

The keyword is the one that we use to define a class in Java. e.g.

public class MyClass { } /* class used here is one of the keywords in Java */

The class in ClientResponse.class is a short-cut to the instance of Class<T> that represents the class ClientResponse.

There is another way to get to that instance for which you need an instance of ClientResponse. e.g

ClientResponse obj = new ClientResponse();
Class clazz = obj.getClass(); 

what are the advantage over just passing a instance of it?

In the above example you can see what would happen in case obj was null (an NPE). Then there would be no way for the method to get the reference to the Class instance for ClientResponse.

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Bhesh Gurung Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Bhesh Gurung