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Working with entity framework, preferred way?

Suppose we have created Entities model, what is preferred way to work with it? I'm personally couldn't make up my mind..

  1. Using ModelAdapter :

    public statiс Product[] GetProducts()
            using(Entities ctx = new Entities())
                    return ctx.Product.ToArray();
    Product[] ps = ModelAdapter.GetProducts();
    // ...
    • looks neat;
    • but, context is created/released a lot sometimes, objects lose contact with context;
  2. Using context in place:

    using(Entities ctx = new Entities())
            Product[] ps = ctx.Product.ToArray();
            // ...
    • effective
    • but, code becomes messy
  3. Mixed mode, compromise?

  4. Extension methods:

    using(Entities ctx = new Entities())
        Product[] ps = ctx.GetProducts();
        // ...

Actually now, I'm trying approach #4, implementing utility methods as extensions to context. So I can use one context, and make many calls to this context.

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Petr Abdulin Avatar asked May 10 '11 12:05

Petr Abdulin

2 Answers

When developing web applications I've been using a shared context which is created per web request. Then you can use your "ModelAdapter" approach and retain encapsulation but still operate on the same context. I've used this a lot and haven't experienced any problems.

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Lee Gunn Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Lee Gunn

Generally use anything that fits your needs, that is maintainable and that fits to the complexity of your application. Few points which you should think about:

  • Never share context among requests, use a context per request, per action or per method depending on your needs.
  • If you want to unit test your application you can find that static methods and sometimes also extension methods can be a problem. But testing application with EF is a separate problem.
  • If you want to modify or insert more items in a single unit of work you can find that a context per method is not what you need
  • Many developers like to use the repository pattern to separate access to EF features from the rest of the application. It has its own pros and cons.
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Ladislav Mrnka Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Ladislav Mrnka