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workaround: javascript dictionary which takes objects as keys

I read a few questions and answers about javascript dictionary implementations, but they don't meet my requirements:

  • the dictionary must be able to take objects as keys
  • the values must be accessible by the []-operator

So I came up with the idea to overwrite the valueOf-method in Object.prototype, as follows:

Object.__id__ = 0;
Object.prototype.valueOf = function() {
      this.__id__ = ++Object.__id__;
    return "__id__" + this.__id__;
Object.prototype.toString = Object.prototype.valueOf;

var x = {p1: "5"};
var y = [6];
var z = {};
z[x] = "7";
z[y] = "8";
console.log(z[x], z[y]);

I tested this with google-chrome and it seems to work well, but I'm a bit sceptical, whether this will cause some drawbacks, since it was so easy to implement.

Considering that the valueOf method is not used for other purposes in the whole code, do you think there are any disadvantages?

like image 895
fishbone Avatar asked Jul 27 '10 15:07


1 Answers

It's an interesting idea. I suggest my jshashtable. It meets your first requirement but not the second. I don't really see the advantage of insisting on using the square bracket property access notation: do you have a particular requirement for it?

With jshashtable, you can provide a hashing function to the Hashtable constructor. This function is passed an object to be used as a key and must return a string; you could use a function not dissimilar to what you have there, without having to touch Object.prototype.

There are some disadvantages to your idea:

  1. Your valueOf method will show up in a for...in loop over any native object;
  2. You have no way determining which keys should be considered equal, which is something you may want to do. Instead, all keys will be considered unique.
  3. This won't work with host objects (i.e. objects provided by the environment, such as DOM elements)
like image 79
Tim Down Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11

Tim Down