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Wordpress preview_post_link

I am trying to alter the default "preview post" button when posting on wordpress as the site has a hacked wordpress install and the posts previews are not where they are suppose to be.

I found the hook preview_post_link now I am just trying to figure out how to make a little plugin that will fix the problem.

What I don't know how to do and why I am posting here is, using the add_filter to change the link

add_filter( 'preview_post_link', 'the_preview_fix' );

function the_preview_fix() {


all I need it to do is instead of going to its current link go to www.website.com/blog/p/the-slug as even though the draft post doesn't appear on the live site the link will still take me to a generated page :)

Thanks in advance for any and all help received


add_filter( 'preview_post_link', 'the_preview_fix' );

function the_preview_fix() {
    $slug = basename(get_permalink());
    return "http://www.mywebsite.com/blog/p/$slug";
like image 223
tom at zepsu dot com Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 11:01

tom at zepsu dot com

1 Answers

add_filter( 'preview_post_link', 'the_preview_fix' );

function the_preview_fix() {
    $slug = basename(get_permalink());
    return "http://www.mywebsite.com/blog/p/$slug";
like image 61
tom at zepsu dot com Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 04:11

tom at zepsu dot com