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Wordpress get_template_directory_uri() returns http instead of https

We have recently applied SSL certificate on our website and we want all our url to have https:// protocol.

Once we moved our website to https://, our website broke down as there were few resource which were still pointing to http://. After researching for a while, I saw that get_template_directory_uri() is always returning http:// even through our wp_home, wp_site_url is set with https://

Is there any other place where we have to change the URL, as we are using child theme and this function get the parent theme directory.

Thanks, Raju Vishwas

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Raju Vishwas Avatar asked Oct 29 '15 15:10

Raju Vishwas

2 Answers

Check the $_SERVER['HTTPS'] value. This should be set to on or 1. If it has any other value while being set, this function will output http rather than https.

See: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/4.5.3/src/wp-includes/functions.php#L4025

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pbond Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 11:10


Going by this comment the initiator added:

in my case we were using Load Balancer server and the SSL certificate was install on load balancer

The answer from @pbond scratches the surface to the root cause of the issue. The WordPress is_ssl() function checks the $_SERVER['HTTPS'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] to check if the current page is being accessed via https but the load balancer is most likely requesting your content on the non-SSL port 80.

One good fix for this is to use the X-Forwareded-Proto HTTP header to figure out which protocol the client is actually using on the other side of the Load Balancer.

With Apache 2.2, you could add this to your configuration:

<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
  SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "^https$" HTTPS

Another possible fix (alluded to by @Roberto Poblete but not explained) is to add this to wp-config.php

$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';

I have this to thank for sending me in the right direct

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kakoma Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 09:10
