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WMI ProcessorType

The CPU alias of WMIC returns a value called ProcessorType, MSDN states that there are 6 possible values:

1 (0x1) Other
2 (0x2) Unknown
3 (0x3) Central Processor
4 (0x4) Math Processor
5 (0x5) DSP Processor
6 (0x6) Video Processor


Is it possible for any type of processor other than 3 to serve as the main (or only) processor? I am writing a hardware hash function and I don't want to include specialized processors unless a general purpose processor is missing.

like image 991
toplel32 Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 04:02


1 Answers

Sounds to me you are asking for a warranty. You cannot get one, this information is not supplied by WMI or the operating system. Like much of the WMI data, this comes from a driver. The chipset driver, invariably supplied by the chipset manufacturer, companies like Intel, AMD, NVidia. They may be tweaked by the system integrator. That is however very rare, the cut-throat pricing in that business just don't allow for goodies. Or the support they'll need to provide when their non-standard query results make programs bomb.

So 99.99% of the time you'll just get a single result. Just 3 for the CPU.

Which makes the property completely useless, it doesn't contribute sufficient random data to make the hardware hash unique enough. So don't include it, problem solved.

like image 83
Hans Passant Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 03:02

Hans Passant