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WiX, Windows Installer summary?


I started to write an installer with WiX. I've spent several days reading blogs and studying tutorials. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I sat down in Fireworks and drew the following picture. That's my understanding so far of how Windows Installer / WiX work. Is there anything wrong? Do you have any suggestion to complete this graph?


I'm happy to receive feedback and modify the diagram so that it's useful to more people.

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Nestor Avatar asked Aug 13 '09 21:08


People also ask

What is WiX Microsoft?

The Microsoft tool set, called WiX, for Windows Installer XML, is intended for building Windows installation packages from XML source code. WiX is being offered under the Common Public License (CPL), an open-source license originally authored by IBM, said Jason Matusow, Microsoft's manager of shared source initiatives.

Does WiX work on Windows?

The WiX SDK includes managed and native libraries that make it easier to write code that works with Windows Installer, including custom actions in both C# and C++.

1 Answers

Firstly, forget about WiX for now. Your concern is Windows Installer - WiX is simply a tool to define Windows Installer databases (MSI files). WiX is no different than many other products out there, except for the fact that it doesn't try to mask any Windows Installer concepts for you. InstallShield transparently does a bunch of things that Windows Installer doesn't support via custom actions and the like, WiX forces you to think more about the Windows Installer methodology and way of doing stuff. Windows Installer is what you want to understand, WiX comes afterwards.

Second, get a copy of The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand how Windows Installer (MSI) works.

Third, start with the first entry in the UAC in MSI blog posts, and you should be able to get a better grip on things. It is the best documentation I ever read in trying to understand elevation, permissions and all the other stuff that goes with UAC.

The image kind of makes sense, but I think think the UAC series describes the sequences a bit better. Very few people use administrative installs, and if your installer is written properly then there shouldn't be any reason to concern yourself with advertised installations either. They'll just work. Build your installation to work with only the InstallExecuteSequence to begin with, and then add the UI later and you'll have a bulletproof installation that works without much effort.

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saschabeaumont Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
