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Withdraw money feature for paypal



Basically I have a script where user should have Withdraw button on his account so he can automatically withdraw money from my paypal balance

What API should I use in this case and is this available at all for paypal?

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zarkoz Avatar asked Dec 07 '12 16:12


People also ask

Where is the withdraw tab on PayPal?

Once logged in, from the Account section, click on Withdraw button to show the Withdraw funds page. From the Withdrawal page, select 'PayPal' menu option to show the PayPal Withdrawal page. Enter a Withdrawal amount and click on the 'Withdraw Now' button.

3 Answers

You may be interested in the Mass Pay API. You can send them in batches, say daily, weekly, or monthly.

See here for an explination directly from paypal: https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/howto_api_masspay

The MassPay API allows you to send payments to up to 250 recipients with a single API call. The payment amount for each recipient is specified individually, but all payments in a MassPay API request must have the same currency type. You can choose to specify recipients by email address or PayPal customer account number.

And here for PHP examples (if you're using PHP): https://www.x.com/paypal-apis-masspay-php-5.3/soap

There are additional examples and a large amount of documentation on the first PayPal.com link, regardless of programming language used.

Please keep in mind Mass Pay has it's own fee schedule.

There is also Adaptive payments, which may be more up your alley, as it's designed for more fine-grained control and has a larger API available. Information can be obtained here:


However, the Adaptive payments will require approval of each Payment by you (the sender) via the PayPal website. If you want 100% automation, the Mass Pay API is the way to go.

Please realize a mistake here could cost you infinate amounts of money, so tread extremely carefully.

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A.B. Carroll Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

A.B. Carroll

If you're attempting to withdraw money from your PayPal account and move it to your bank account that's not something you can do via the API, unfortunately. You have to do that manually through PayPal, or you can call them and request that they enable AutoSweep for you, which will automatically move the balance in PayPal to your bank at the end of each day.

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Drew Angell Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Drew Angell

Ya there is preapproval api in AdaptivePayment. You can approve the api caller for the amount he want to withdraw from your account on your behalf.

You can refer api here : https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/api/preapproval-api-operation

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tarini kanta Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10

tarini kanta