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with react final-form why is meta.touched always false with third party components?

using final-form, i have a third party input component. i've written an adapter for it. it has a validator as well, but meta.touched is always false. i've tried propagating the onFocus event up to the input, but no luck. what am i doing wrong?

const requiredValidator = value => (value ? undefined : 'is required');

const FloatingLabelInputAdapter = ({ input, meta, ...rest }) => (
    onChange={(event) => input.onChange(event)}
    onFocus={(event) => input.onFocus(event)}
    errorText={meta.touched ? meta.error : ''}

// used like this:


// and here's the render() of the component

  render() {
    const { children, label } = this.props;
    const { focussing, used } = this.state;

    console.log('FloatingLabelInput.props', this.props);

    return (
      <Group {...this.props} >
          innerRef={(comp) => { this.input = comp }}
          type={this.props.type} />



        <Bar focussing={focussing} />
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Adam Krawesky Avatar asked Aug 09 '18 22:08

Adam Krawesky

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1 Answers

annnnd as usual i answer my own question.

i had to propagate the onBlur() event as well, which makes sense since touched docs say it's true only after user has entered and left focus on the input.

   onBlur={(event) => input.onBlur(event)}
like image 182
Adam Krawesky Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Adam Krawesky