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With dvcs/git, is a single commit preferred over multiple, small, thematic commits?

This may not be a git specific question, but it comes up in the context of git. The idea may apply more broadly to other vcs's.

I am working on a small project in which I am currently the only developer. I'm getting used to using git, so I am wondering about best practices. As I implement new features/functions, I find that I work on multiple files, their examples, and documentation at once, such that my git status may report 15 files that have changed. But those files might relate to 3 different parts of the project.

Is it better to commit them in 3 separate parts, keeping the related files together, so that I could later go back and more easily find those commits. Or it is just as easy to commit them all at once with an appropriate message?

like image 630
kmm Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 10:12


2 Answers

Its preferable to make commits atomic. That is, a commit represents one logical change to the project in question, and can stand alone.

This allows

  1. Easy code inspection
  2. git bisect to work correctly
like image 198
Yann Ramin Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 00:12

Yann Ramin

One criteria that can help you make the right "amount" of commit is git bisect or git blame: would a large commit be a nuisance when trying to git bisect in order to detect a bug?

That is what describes the "Understanding the Git Workflow" blog post, when it describes "checkpoint commits" (too little commits capturing the code in a unstable state), or "no-ff commits" (which represents too many modification bundled together in one large commit).

like image 35
VonC Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 23:12
