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With Cloud Computing increasingly getting popular, will Relational DBs suffer death?




While computer programming evangelists predicting the future of Cloud Computing to be very bright, is there a chance for relational databases to be on their way out?

What are the DBs that are more suitable for Cloud Computing?

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Pradeep Avatar asked Jul 08 '09 16:07


3 Answers

Here's a good article that may answer some of your questions. It features a good comparison between RDBMS systems and the ones usually used for cloud storage infrastructure:


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Peter Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 03:11


The relational database model has a firm mathematical basis in relational algebra. This makes it easy to reason about, to extend, and to use properly (in theory). Even if database access patterns change significantly as a result of these new APIs and uses, it's likely that a relational database will form the underlying implementation for this reason.

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Kylotan Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 01:11


No, RDBMSs will always have a place because of their functionality. Not just on their own, but also as backbones to other systems (like OODBMSs).

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Lance Roberts Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 03:11

Lance Roberts