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with Clojure threading long running processes and comparing their returns

I have two different function on two very large sets of data that need to be processed, in the end coming down to two Boolean values. those values need to then be anded together for the final result. my question is what is the best way to create threads so the two long functions can run at the same time. my thoughts were something like,

(def f (future longProcessOne(data_one)))
(def g (future longProcessTwo(data_two)))
(and @f @g)

but I was looking for input on a better way to go about this.

like image 977
ChadJPetersen Avatar asked Jul 12 '13 18:07


1 Answers

Your approach is fairly normal Clojure code. One other choice is to use promises or if you need more complex processing you could consider using something like lamina or if you feel like living on the bleeding edge you could try core.async:

(ns async-example.core
  (:require [clojure.core.async :refer :all])

(defn example []
  (let [a (chan)  ; a channel for a to report it's answer
        b (chan)  ; a channel for b to report it's answer
        output (chan)] ; a channel for the reporter to report back to the repl
    (go (<! (timeout (rand-int 1000))) ; process a
        (>! a (rand-nth [true false])))
    (go (<! (timeout (rand-int 1000))) ; process b
        (>! b (rand-nth [true false])))
    (go (>! output (and (<! a) (<! b)))) ; the reporter process
    output)) ;return the channe that the result will be sent to

async-example.core> (<!! (go (<! (example))))
async-example.core> (<!! (go (<! (example))))
async-example.core> (<!! (go (<! (example))))

Of course this is overkill for your situation, though it's tremendously fun anyway ;-)

like image 169
Arthur Ulfeldt Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Arthur Ulfeldt