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With bundler, what's the best way to tell if a gem is "requirable"?

Say in my Gemfile I have

group :test do
  gem 'rspec-core', require: false

Is there an easy way to see if the test group has been bundled? (like, in this case bundle may have been called with or without --without test).

I couldn't find one, therefore I started looking for whether or not rspec-core is requirable, and found a few apparent solutions:

 # or

What's the most stable API to determine if the gem is requirable?

(without trying to require it and rescuing LoadError)

like image 277
Gabe Kopley Avatar asked Aug 21 '16 17:08

Gabe Kopley

1 Answers

When a Rails app is generated it typically includes a line that uses Rails.env to determine which group to require. It should look something like this Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env). This typically happens in the initialization of a Rails App. Here is a snippet of some code that does that:

class Rails::Boot
  def run

    Rails::Initializer.class_eval do
      def load_gems
        @bundler_loaded ||= Bundler.require :default, Rails.env


So if you Rails.env is test it will require all the gems in the test group.

like image 189
user2977636 Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11
