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Wireshark filtering for ip-port pair(Display filter)


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How do I filter a display in Wireshark?

To only display packets containing a particular protocol, type the protocol name in the display filter toolbar of the Wireshark window and press enter to apply the filter. Figure 6.8, “Filtering on the TCP protocol” shows an example of what happens when you type tcp in the display filter toolbar.

What is the difference between capture filter and display filter in Wireshark?

In Wireshark, there are capture filters and display filters. Capture filters only keep copies of packets that match the filter. Display filters are used when you've captured everything, but need to cut through the noise to analyze specific packets or flows.

I'd like to know how to make a display filter for ip-port in wireshark.

So, for example I want to filter ip-port, so it will find all the communication to and from, but not communication from to some ip on port 80.