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Wireless Debugging in Xcode4.2

When I use wireless debugging in Xcod e4.2 it tells me:

Don't know how to run. Try "help target".

Please see "Wireless debugging in xcode" for more information.

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justzt Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 09:11


People also ask

What is wireless debugging?

You can run or debug an Android application directly to a real Android device using Wireless Network. This way you don't have to connect your device to a USB port all the time. This is specially useful and easier when developing on a Virtual Machine.

1 Answers

Wireless debugging in Xcode 4.2 is still really unstable. I've only been able to get it up and running once or twice before needing to restart Xcode, disabling and reenabling wireless device support, restarting the device, and deleting the app from the device before trying it again (not necessarily in this order).

Hopefully they'll get it working better soon.

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Thomas Hajcak Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Thomas Hajcak