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Winforms equivalent of javascript setTimeout


Is there a simple solution/idea/strategy to create a setTimeout equivalent function in a WinForms app. I'm primarily a web developer but am not sure how I'd go about this in a WinForms App. Basically, I have a textbox, and after each keystroke I want to run a task to populate a list (like an auto-complete type thingy) but want to be able to cancel (e.g. clearTimeout) if the user keeps entering characters...

My only guess is to perhaps use a BackGroundWorker and make it sleep initially, and while it is sleeping, it could be cancelled, if the user stops entering keys and the sleep period ends, it then goes and runs the task etc

(i don't care if an example is C# or Vb.Net)

like image 930
davidsleeps Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 02:12


People also ask

What is the alternative for setTimeout in JavaScript?

The setInterval method has the same syntax as setTimeout : let timerId = setInterval(func|code, [delay], [arg1], [arg2], ...) All arguments have the same meaning. But unlike setTimeout it runs the function not only once, but regularly after the given interval of time.

Is setTimeout deprecated in JavaScript?

We all know that passing a string to setTimeout (or setInterval ) is evil, because it is run in the global scope, has performance issues, is potentially insecure if you're injecting any parameters, etc. So doing this is definitely deprecated: setTimeout('doSomething(someVar)', 10000);

What is the difference between setTimeout and window setTimeout?

window. setTimeout() . It's all the same method of the same object.

Is JavaScript setTimeout blocking?

Explanation: setTimeout() is non-blocking which means it will run when the statements outside of it have executed and then after one second it will execute. All other statements that are not part of setTimeout() are blocking which means no other statement will execute before the current statement finishes.

1 Answers

I know this is an old question but an alternative solution would be to use Task.Delay(delay).ContinueWith((task) => { /* Code */ });.

Thread.Sleep vs Task.Delay?

or there is await Task.Delay(delay);


like image 104
Robert Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
