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WinForms Dark title bar on Windows 10

I have a WinForms application which automatically adjusts to the dark/light theme on Windows 10. My problem is that the title bar of my window always stays white, regardless which theme the user selects.

enter image description here
Top is current, bottom is how I want it (simulated with Photoshop)

See explorer for example. That is not an UWP app, however it uses a dark title bar on Windows 1903 and newer (when a dark theme is selected).

How can I achieve the same thing? I do not want to use any custom titlebar as I want the application to look and behave like any native application on older Windows versions as well.

like image 356
Jonas Kohl Avatar asked Jul 20 '19 11:07

Jonas Kohl

People also ask

How do I make Windows title bar black?

Press Win + I to open the newly added System settings panel on Windows 10. Following that, navigate through Personalization > Colors. Here you will get an option called “Show color on Start, Taskbar, action center and title bar”. Just toggle the button to enable it.

2 Answers

So after some long searching, I have finally found the answer for this. The trick is to use dwmapi.dll's DwmSetWindowAttribute and passing the undocumented constant DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE into the function. In C#, the code for this looks a little something like this (works with both WinForms and WPF):

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

private static extern int DwmSetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int attr, ref int attrValue, int attrSize);

private const int DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_BEFORE_20H1 = 19;
private const int DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = 20;

private static bool UseImmersiveDarkMode(IntPtr handle, bool enabled)
    if (IsWindows10OrGreater(17763))
        var attribute = DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_BEFORE_20H1;
        if (IsWindows10OrGreater(18985))
            attribute = DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE;

        int useImmersiveDarkMode = enabled ? 1 : 0;
        return DwmSetWindowAttribute(handle, (int)attribute, ref useImmersiveDarkMode, sizeof(int)) == 0;

    return false;

private static bool IsWindows10OrGreater(int build = -1)
    return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Build >= build;
like image 74
Jonas Kohl Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Jonas Kohl

The fastest way:

[DllImport("DwmApi")] //System.Runtime.InteropServices
private static extern int DwmSetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int attr, int[] attrValue, int attrSize);

protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
    if (DwmSetWindowAttribute(Handle, 19, new[] { 1 }, 4) != 0)
        DwmSetWindowAttribute(Handle, 20, new[] { 1 }, 4);
like image 23
Lorenzo Lotti Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Lorenzo Lotti