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Windows Workflow a good fit for non programming end users? [closed]

Is WF4 suited for end-user situations? For example, I have a application framework built that my customers can use. It's very basic. I want them to have the ability to create their own business rules and work flows using their data.

Would I (the developer) have to code and design many workflows for my end users or is there a way they can do their own in a somewhat, non-technical manner?

Or should I start looking for a way to do my own pseudo-workflow framework?


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cbmeeks Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 02:11


1 Answers

If your end users aren't developers/programmers, it is certainly not for them. WF is a lot like visually programming business rules and processes but doesn't make it easy for the "average Joe". If you want some type of interface for them to set business rules, I wouldn't choose it. That's my two cents.

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Jeff LaFay Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Jeff LaFay