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Windows Search using OLE DB SQL Fields

I need to use Windows Search within my .NET application to search for certain files containing certain keywords. All of this seams easy enough using OLE DB to connect to the Windows Search data store on Windows 7.

I have what I hope is a seriously easy question. I have been searching high and low for the field definitions for the SQL Query for Windows Search so I can simply work out what I can search on and what I can get back in my result set. I have not managed to find this anywhere.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

like image 557
Iain Kelwick Avatar asked Sep 20 '10 10:09

Iain Kelwick

2 Answers

OK. I have finally found all of the elements I might need. They are located here:


Almost too many to mention

like image 141
Iain Kelwick Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10

Iain Kelwick

This page (http://msdn.microsoft.com/sv-se/library/ff518152(v=VS.85).aspx) is a great starting point, but note that not all of the columns are valid in a Windows Search context (I presume they differ for other apps such as Windows Media Center. Through trial and error I have found that the valid columns on Windows 8.1 Search are:

- System.Comment
- System.Company
- System.ComputerName
- System.ContentStatus
- System.ContentType
- System.Copyright
- System.DateAccessed
- System.DateAcquired
- System.DateArchived
- System.DateCompleted
- System.DateCreated
- System.DateImported
- System.DateModified
- System.DueDate
- System.EndDate
- System.FileAttributes
- System.FileDescription
- System.FileExtension
- System.FileFRN
- System.FileName
- System.FileOwner
- System.FlagColor
- System.FlagColorText
- System.FlagStatus
- System.FlagStatusText
- System.Identity
- System.Importance
- System.ImportanceText
- System.IsAttachment
- System.IsDeleted
- System.IsEncrypted
- System.IsFlagged
- System.IsFlaggedComplete
- System.IsIncomplete
- System.IsRead
- System.ItemAuthors
- System.ItemDate
- System.ItemFolderNameDisplay
- System.ItemFolderNameDisplay
- System.ItemFolderPathDisplay
- System.ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow
- System.ItemName
- System.ItemNameDisplay
- System.ItemNamePrefix
- System.ItemParticipants
- System.ItemPathDisplay
- System.ItemPathDisplayNarrow
- System.ItemType
- System.ItemTypeText
- System.ItemUrl
- System.Keywords
- System.Kind
- System.KindText
- System.Language
- System.MileageInformation
- System.MIMEType
- System.Null
- System.OriginalFileName
- System.ParentalRating
- System.ParentalRatingReason
- System.ParsingName
- System.Priority
- System.PriorityText
- System.Project
- System.ProviderItemID
- System.Rating
- System.RatingText
- System.Sensitivity
- System.SensitivityText
- System.SFGAOFlags
- System.Shell.OmitFromView

Also these Search-specific fields from this page (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff521715(v=vs.85).aspx):

- System.Search.AutoSummary
- System.Search.ContainerHash
- System.Search.Contents
- System.Search.EntryID
- System.Search.GatherTime
- System.Search.HitCount
- System.Search.Rank
- System.Search.Store
like image 39
GuruJ Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10
