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Windows phone 8.1 assets

I'm developing an WP8.1 application and now when I'm almost done with it, I tried to run the Windows App Certification Kit to test if everything is ok. I got this error: App manifest resources test

I know that this is not a big thing (it should be really easy to fix it) but I would like to make the images to be as great a possible. I have found the default sampled in the Assets folder, but I don't really know how they should look like at the end.

Could someone provide me with some samples (perhaps some samples he used) for the following images:


And the ones in the Tiles folder that is also inside the Assets folder:


PS I'll make my own pictures (I can post them later if you would like that) But I would just like to see some examples to know how that should look like.

like image 247
user2700896 Avatar asked Aug 26 '14 20:08


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1 Answers

The image requirements are relatively simple;

There are 7 images that you can specify in the appxmanifest, and can refer to any image within the project (so the exact filenames aren't strictly required, although I would stick with them). Each image can be supplied at three scales, and if you only supply one scale, make it the 240% scale for the best impression on higher resolution devices.

The Square 71x71 Logo, Square 150x150 Logo, Wide 310 x 150 Logo are all used for tile images, when your app is pinned, and would normally contain some kind of logo to represent your app, on a transparent background where it makes sense.

The Square 44x44 Logo is used in the app list, and is generally a scaled version of the tile image, also on a transparent background.

The Store Logo is as used in the store, and again is generally a scaled version of the tile image.

The Badge Logo is used for lockscreen notifications, and only need be specified if your app supports lockscreen notifications. It also must only be white on transparent.

The Splash Screen is shown as your app is loading. Some apps choose to just show a larger version of the logo on a brand colour (e.g. Internet Explorer), others show some form of branding, along with a "loading" type of message.

Microsoft do also publish some guidelines for design, available from the dev centre

like image 189
Rowland Shaw Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 15:01

Rowland Shaw