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Windows Phone 8: supports Native Unicode (Malayalam)?

I Want to make my windows phone 8 application support Malayalam Unicode

I want to use Native languages in my windows phone app. I have done it in android by loading the font files to asset folder. Is there any same way in windows to support the native languages? How can I implement this in the windows phone 8? if any ideas pls help me.

I want to build an app like this. This is an app using MALAYALAM an Indian language.

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Jashan PJ Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 07:04

Jashan PJ

2 Answers

Following steps may help you:

  1. Create a folder in your project called "fonts" (without quotes)
  2. Copy your font file (*.ttf) in that folder. For example Arial.ttf (font name Arial UI)
  3. Set "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy if newer"
  4. And use following syntax to access that font in your XAML

So, if your have Malayalam.ttf file with Hello World font in it, it will look like FontFamily="fonts/Malayalam.ttf#Hello World"

You can find more infrormation here: http://blog.kulman.sk/using-custom-fonts-in-windows-phone-apps/

Hope, this helps.

like image 177
Mayur Tendulkar Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11

Mayur Tendulkar

Windows Phone 8 Fonts

You are looking for

Nirmala UI

which is one of the built-in Windows 8 Phone fonts.

enter image description here

like image 44
Patrick F Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11

Patrick F