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Windows Phone 7 : Socket Programming

Is there any support for TCP/IP Sockets in Windows Phone 7? I'm not having any luck finding it so far.
I want to connect to a port on a server and issue commands/receive responses

like image 973
David Hayes Avatar asked Mar 24 '10 17:03

David Hayes

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Can I still use my old Windows Phone?

Your Windows 10 Mobile device should continue to work after December 10, 2019, but there will be no updates after that date (including security updates) and device backup functionality and other backend services will be phased out as described above.

What is the processor of Windows Phone 7?

Windows Phone 7.0 All devices in this list feature a 1 GHz Scorpion single-core processor, 512 MB of RAM, a 480 x 800 WVGA resolution screen, a back camera of 5 megapixels and a built-in digital compass. The chipset used is the Snapdragon S1 QSD8250 on non-LG devices and the Snapdragon S1 QSD8650 on LG devices.

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1 to WM6. 5, but you will need to buy a new phone if you want WM7. There is just no upgrade for WM6.

1 Answers

It was added in mango version. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.socket(v=VS.96).aspx

like image 80
Krzysztof Kaczor Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

Krzysztof Kaczor