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Windows Phone 7 - CameraTask Not Working

My WP7 app uses the CameraCaptureTask to take a pic and then display it on my screen. The task works fine on the Emulator, however it stops working when I deploy it on the device. On debugging I found that the CameraCaptureTaskObject.Show() is getting called, but the camera doesn't show up. Instead the capture task completed event gets fired directly.

Any suggestions?

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Alags Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 20:02


2 Answers

Make sure that the Zune software is not running on the PC once the app is deployed on the device.

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Olivier Payen Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 08:12

Olivier Payen

Make sure that you do not have a USB connection active to the PC - see http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/65574/401189.aspx

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Stuart Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 07:12
