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Windows Log File Viewer (Tail) that displays lines in reverse order [closed]

I am looking for a free Windows GUI log file viewer that can display lines in reverse order with the newest lines at the top of the screen. Bonus points if it has an indication that there has been an update to the file. Open source also a plus but not required.


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Automate Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 13:07


2 Answers

TailForWin32 is open-source, works smoothly on multiple files, and can be set to beep or send email notifications on changes. It also accepts plugins, so you can configure weirder stuff.

like image 106
Michael Paulukonis Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Michael Paulukonis

TraceTool can do this quite well. Click the "Windows" menu item and select "Open Tail File...". TraceTool can do quite a bit more, but it's also a great open-source tail GUI.

enter image description here

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Mick Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11
