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Windows forms Text Changed on leave event

Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I can't seem to find an event that will fire for a textbox at the same time as the leave, but only when the contents of the textbox has changed. Kinda like a combination of textchanged and leave. I can't use textchanged cause it fires on each keystroke. Right now I'm storing the current value of the textbox in a variable and comparing it on the leave event, but it seems really hackish.


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Rob Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 16:01


2 Answers

You can create your own (derived) class which overrides OnEnter, OnLeave and OnTextChanged to set flags and trigger "your" event.

Something like this:

    public class TextBox: System.Windows.Forms.TextBox {
        public event EventHandler LeaveWithChangedText;

        private bool textChanged;

        protected override void OnEnter(EventArgs e) {
            textChanged = false;

        protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) {
            if (textChanged) {

        protected virtual void OnLeaveWithChangedText(EventArgs e) {
            if (LeaveWithChangedText != null) {
                LeaveWithChangedText(this, e);

        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) {
            textChanged = true;
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Lucero Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 04:01


The answer of @Lucero does it's job almost perfectly.
However, it does not handle the case when a user edits the text and finally enters the same value as before. Therefore I created a similar solution for my own (in C++/CLI, but you can easily adapt it to C#):

public ref class EventArgsCTextBox1 : EventArgs
  String^ PreviousText;

public ref class CTextBox1 : Windows::Forms::TextBox
  virtual void OnEnter (EventArgs^ i_oEventArgs) override;
  virtual void OnLeave (EventArgs^ i_oEventArgs) override;

  delegate void EventHandlerCTextBox1 (Object^ i_oSender, EventArgsCTextBox1^ i_oEventArgs);
  event EventHandlerCTextBox1^ LeaveChanged;

  String^ m_sValue;

void CTextBox1::OnEnter (System::EventArgs^ i_oEventArgs)
  TextBox::OnEnter (i_oEventArgs);
  m_sValue = this->Text;

void CTextBox1::OnLeave (System::EventArgs^ i_oEventArgs)
  TextBox::OnLeave (i_oEventArgs);
  if (m_sValue != this->Text)
    EventArgsCTextBox1^ oEventArgs = gcnew EventArgsCTextBox1;
    oEventArgs->PreviousText = m_sValue;
    LeaveChanged (this, oEventArgs);
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Tobias Knauss Avatar answered Jan 26 '23 04:01

Tobias Knauss