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Windows Forms Designer - automatically adds namespace in front of class

I have problem with Visual Studio Designer.

When I display design of a form, designer automatically adds namespace in front of class, which is used as datasource. But this class is in the same namespace as the form.

It is annoying.


namespace Editor
    partial class AddSignalForm
      this.signalsBS.DataSource = typeof(Signal);


Signal is in namespace Editor.

But after I open designer, code is changed to:

namespace Editor
    partial class AddSignalForm
      this.signalsBS.DataSource = typeof(Editor.Signal);


Problem is that compiler can not find class Editor.Editor.Signal.

like image 584
Michal Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 02:02


1 Answers

You seem to have another class or property named Editor which conflicts with the namespace.

like image 181
Julien Lebosquain Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 03:02

Julien Lebosquain