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Windows EventLog: How fast are operations with it?


People also ask

How does Windows event logging work?

At their core, Windows event logs are records of events that have occurred on a computer running the Windows operating system. These records contain information regarding actions that have taken place on the installed applications, the computer, and the system itself.

When should you use Event Viewer in Windows?

On Windows 10, the Event Viewer exists to help you monitor apps and system components as well as troubleshoot problems.

When using Event Viewer on a Windows System What is the best way to quickly access specific types of logs?

To access the Event Viewer in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools. Double-click Event Viewer. Select the type of logs that you wish to review (ex: Windows Logs)

How big is a Windows event log?

Event log entries usually average around 200 bytes in size and so a 4MB log file will hold about 20,000 log entries.

I have a service application that is processing client requests over TCP and writing any events into Windows EventLog. Since this application is expected to service many clients and lots of requests from each client in a short amount of time (let's say between 1 and 50 requests per second), I'm curious to know how intensive (CPU wise and time wise) and how fast can writing into Windows EventLog be?

More specifically, how intensive are the operations of connecting to, reading from and writing to EventLog?