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Windows Azure SDK v1.6 does not contain csrun.exe, where can I download?

I've downloaded and installed the official Windows Azure SDK v1.6 but for some reason csrun.exe (needed for running a package locally) is not in the bin directory with all the other exe files like cspack.exe etc. I have tried reinstalling and still did not get the executible. Is there anywhere to manually download this file, google wasn't any help...

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kirps Avatar asked Nov 29 '11 23:11


People also ask

How do you check Azure SDK is installed or not?

Users of Visual Studio can also verify installed components of SDK in Visual Studio Installer, as an alternative to manually viewing it in the file system. Visual Studio Installer -> Installed -> Modify should bring you a screen with installation details.

Which emulators are installed with the Azure SDK?

The Storage Emulator is available as part of the Microsoft Azure SDK. You can also install the Storage Emulator by using the standalone installer (direct download). To install the Storage Emulator, you must have administrative privileges on your computer. The Storage Emulator currently runs only on Windows.

How do I use Azure compute emulator?

Using Emulator Express in Visual StudioIn Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and, from the context menu, select Properties. In the projects properties pages, select the Web tab. Under Local Development Server, select Use IIS Express option. Under Emulator, select Use Emulator Express.

What is SDKS in Azure?

The Azure SDK delivers a platform for developers to leverage the wide variety of Azure services in their language of choice. The source for the client libraries exists for the most part in repositories for each language. This repository is meant to be a jumping off point into those language specific repositories.

2 Answers

It is installed by the new v1.6 SDK into the directory

C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Emulator\emulator

like image 169
Andrew Patterson Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09

Andrew Patterson

Just an update to this, looks like this is installed to the following location now.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Emulator

like image 41
rrrr-o Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
