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window.onclose function

I use this function to call on my window close.

This is the confirmation box popup window.

if(confirm("Sure you want to close the window");
     // yes return to submit function
  // no return to Other call function

window.onclose = function()

On Close of window on the top right corner with X symbol I need to return false. I am trying to use this window.onclose function but its not poping up.

Can anybody help me out?

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user937194 Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 16:04


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Description. The OnClose event occurs when the dialog is closed. You can create an event handler for the OnClose event to perform specific actions upon closing a dialog. For more information on how to create event handlers for user form components, see Handling Events in User Forms.

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close() The Window. close() method closes the current window, or the window on which it was called. This method can only be called on windows that were opened by a script using the Window.

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To safely close a pop-up window, locate the button in your Taskbar that corresponds to the pop-up. Normally, the button and the pop-up will have the same title. Right click on the button and select Close.

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Simply call window. close() and it will close the current window.

Is there an onbeforeunload function for pop up window?

There is an onbeforeunload but you can't do a lot when it is called, especially you can't prevent the window closing without the user consent and most distant operations will fail if you try them from the page which is being closed. For a popup window, you can get the closing event, and do long operations, but only in the opener window :

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How can I get my windows form to do something when it is closed. Handle the FormClosed event. To do that, go to the Events tab in the Properties window and double-click the FormClosed event to add a handler for it. You can then put your code in the generated MyForm_FormClosed handler.

How to get the closing event of a pop up window?

For a popup window, you can get the closing event, and do long operations, but only in the opener window : var w = window.open ('popup.html'); w.onbeforeunload = function () { // set warning message };

2 Answers

Unfortunately the popup window does not have any close event that you can listen to but there is a closed property that is true when window gets closed. A solution to get around this problem is to start a timer and check the closed property of the child window every second and clear the timer when the window gets closed. Here is the code:

var win = window.open('http://www.google.com','google','width=800,height=600,status=0,toolbar=0');   
var timer = setInterval(function() {   
    if(win.closed) {  
}, 1000); 
like image 161
Prakash Chennupati Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Prakash Chennupati

There is no "close" event that you can catch with today's browsers.

There is an onbeforeunload but you can't do a lot when it is called, especially you can't prevent the window closing without the user consent and most distant operations will fail if you try them from the page which is being closed.

For a popup window, you can get the closing event, and do long operations, but only in the opener window :

 var w = window.open('popup.html');
 w.onbeforeunload = function(){
       // set warning message

IMPORTANT: In recent versions of chrome, onbeforeunload only allows you to set the warning message; you may not run extra logic.

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Denys Séguret Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Denys Séguret