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window.close equivalent in Phonegap with InAppBrowser

I open a new page with window.open("apphelp.html", "_blank", "location=no"), and then it shows me a new window with my page. At the end of this page, I would like to put a "close button" so the user can come back to where they came from. I tried that with window.close() but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

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Hola Soy Edu Feliz Navidad Avatar asked Mar 03 '13 22:03

Hola Soy Edu Feliz Navidad

1 Answers

I use a workaround... Since the inAppBrowser can be closed only with the back button or trough javascript. I display a close button from serverside that will change the current url firing also the event 'loadstop' letting to use the .close() method, in this way only the child browser will be closed, your app will remain in the same state.

For example my server display a webpage with a close button, something like this:

<a href="/mobile/close">Close</a>

in my client side javascript (the Phonegap app):

var ref = window.open(encodeURI(url), '_blank', options);
ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function(event) {        
    if (event.url.match("mobile/close")) {
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Dario Barilà Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Dario Barilà