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Window Server 2016 Datacenter is unable to automatically trigger the action

Good afternoon! Recently I have created a Window Server 2016 Datacenter. One of my tasks is to run my own application on a schedule(every 5 minutes). In order to test whether "task scheduler" works properly a try to launch calculator and set triggers.

The problem is that when a complete all the setup, the scheduler writes the next time when he will run the calculator, but when the time comes nothing happens. However after refreshing the scheduler writes that it was successfully launched, but it fact it wasn't. Furthermore the calculator open if I run it manually. that's what the scheduler shows, but in fact it does not happen

If its necessary I can provide any additional details. Thanks in advance!

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Wang Xiu Ying Avatar asked Dec 07 '16 12:12

Wang Xiu Ying

2 Answers

From my experience with Windows 2016 Standard edition with latest Updates as of today, the issue seems to be that if the Start time of the Trigger is missed (even when "Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed" is ticked) then it will not run at Repeat interval either.

The work around is to ensure that you set the Start time in the future, and if you ever edit the Scheduled Task, make sure you change the Start time/date so it is again in the future.

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SiforX Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10


Ran into the exact same issue on Windows 2016 Server. Using this workaround now: change "Begin the task" from "On a schedule / daily" to "At startup". This way, the "repeat task every" x minutes works OK.

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Ries Vriend Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Ries Vriend