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_WIN64 is not defined in x64 project

I'm using VS2008 and the project properties are set for (active) x64

and the weird thing is _WIN64 is not defined and WPARAM and LPARAM are still 32-bit.

Should I define _WIN64 manually?

If so, where should I put #define _WIN64? Preprocessor setting doesn't seem to work.

I'm quite certain it's compiled as x64 because in task manager the exe has no *32 postfix.

like image 868
Jeffrey Goines Avatar asked Feb 20 '23 12:02

Jeffrey Goines

1 Answers

The thing is,

_WIN64 is already defined by compiler but the IDE couldn't recognize it. (seemed fixed in VS2010.)

The values of sizeof(WPARAM) and sizeof(LPARAM) are both 8 (not 4)

The IDE shows codes in *ifdef _WIN64* block in grey color as if they were inactive, which are not.


like image 65
Jeffrey Goines Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 01:02

Jeffrey Goines