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Will the next MVC 6 be part of ASP.NET 4.6 or ASP.NET Core 1.0 or both?

I am mostly interested in the unified Web API in MVC 6 for building restful services. However I am a bit confused at the moment on how these components fit together. When building a new app with the latest Visual Studio 2015, MVC 6 is available as an ASP.NET 5 template. My understanding is that ASP.NET 5 is now ASP.NET Core 1.0. What does this mean for MVC 6 and how will it be supported in the future? Will it be part of the ASP.NET Core 1.0, ASP.NET 4.6 or both? Could someone please explain how these components fit together? Thanks!

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BigONotation Avatar asked Feb 27 '16 14:02


People also ask

Does ASP.NET Core include MVC?

The ASP.NET Core MVC framework is a lightweight, open source, highly testable presentation framework optimized for use with ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core MVC provides a patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns.

Is .NET Core and MVC core same?

The main difference between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC 5 is their cross-platform approach. ASP.NET Core can be used on Windows, Mac, or Linux, whereas ASP.NET MVC 5 can only be used for applications on Windows. The ASP.NET Core MVC is a framework for building web apps and APIs, optimized for use with ASP.NET Core.

Which is better MVC or .NET Core?

ASP.NET Core MVC is an upgraded framework version compared to the ASP.NET MVC. This framework is much more lightweight, open-source, highly testable compared to the previous version.

2 Answers

ASP.NET Core is the unification of MVC and WebApi.

It can run on the .NET Core framework or on the .NET full desktop framework.

The MVC design pattern is still there but there is less reason to call it "MVC" when talking about it. In the old days we talked about "MVC" to distinguish it from other things like WebForms or WebPages, but ASP.NET Core doesn't have those other things so calling it "MVC" is not really necessary. It was earlier called "MVC 6" but that was before everything got renamed to ASP.NET Core.

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Joe Audette Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Joe Audette

You can find a good explanation here: ASP.NET 5 is dead - Introducing ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0

In few words:

  • ASP.NET 4.6 is the newest version of the ASP.NET we have known so far. This version is available right now.
  • ASP.NET 5 was going to be the name of something that wasn't a newer version of the ASP.NET we've used so far. SO Microsoft decided to rename it as ASP.NET Core
  • MVC 6 was the name of the MVC included in ASP.NET 5, so this name no longer make sense

One of the characteristics of ASP.NET Core is that, as you're asking, the MVC and Web API controllers are unified (which aren't on ASP.NET 4.6). But another very interesting thing is that ASP.NET Core runs on OSX, Linux and Windows, and there are available tools to develop thiskind of projects on these 3 platforms.

ASP.NET Core runs on .NET Core (previously named .NET 5), which is a "reduced" version of the .NET CLR that runs on OSX, Linux and Windows.

ASP.NET Core is already incomplete: it doesn't include SignalR or Web Pages so far, but it expected in the future.

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JotaBe Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10
