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Will MXML ever "compile" to html5? [closed]

My question may be silly but I think it´s not.

I´m using flex with Ruby on Rails backend to develop rich internet apps. Recently flash has been attacked, an example is Steve Job´s thoughts on Flash.

I think flex is a wonderfull tool, but to be honest I really would rather to have a tool as productive as flex but compliant with open standards.

For me, in a perfect world I would code in MXML just like I do now and Flex Builder would build a pure html5 front-end.

My question is, is it likely to happen? It is allowed to dream anything, right... :-)

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Ricardo Acras Avatar asked Nov 25 '22 16:11

Ricardo Acras

1 Answers

Is it likely to happen? No.

Is it allowed to dream anything, yes.

MXML is an XML vocabulary designed to generate ActionScript, which is the underlying language of Flash. Since ActionScript is based on ECMAScript, the same standard as JavaScript, it's possible that MXML could be adapted to output JavaScript. But the reason it doesn't is because JavaScript doesn't yet have the same capabilities as ActionScript.

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David Powers Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 06:11

David Powers