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Will JavaFX work on Android?




It would be a shame if it doesn't, because it will make for more attractive looking Android applications.

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Iain Avatar asked Oct 27 '08 16:10


People also ask

Is JavaFX still supported?

JavaFX has been open sourced and redesigned to be available as a stand-alone library rather than being included with the JDK. Starting with Java SE 11, JavaFX is not included in the Oracle JDK. Support for JavaFX on Java SE 8 will continue until March 2025.

Can JavaFX run in a browser?

The recommended way to embed a JavaFX application into a web page or launch it from inside a web browser is to use the Deployment Toolkit library. The Deployment Toolkit provides a JavaScript API to simplify web deployment of JavaFX applications and improve the end user experience with getting the application to start.

What is replacing JavaFX?

GWT, Vaadin, Qt, JSF, and Electron are the most popular alternatives and competitors to JavaFX.

Can I use JavaFX in Kotlin?

It currently does not run outside of a JVM. For special targets like Android or iOS you would have to use GraalVM native-image with special tooling from Gluon. So just adding JavaFX to a Kotlin multiplatform project would not buy you much.

1 Answers

Not right now, and it would be a nontrivial task to make it work. Android doesn't have all the libraries that the typical desktop JRE does. Although since Android is open source and it will run anything that can be compiled to Dalvik byte code, it's not impossible.

Really, I don't really think JavaFX will make for more attractive looking Android applications - the most important thing is how integrated the application is into the hardware and the Android display framework has a lot of stuff to make that easier.

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lacker Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09
