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Will HTTPS slow down page loads of my web application?

Will SSL Encryption slow down page load? If so, how do I estimate the impact on performance for my web application?

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Matthew Avatar asked Dec 11 '11 01:12


People also ask

Does HTTPS affect speed?

“HTTPS sites also load significantly faster. In a test on HTTP vs HTTPS.com, the unsecured version of the page loads 334% slower than HTTPS.” – A3 Creative Solutions.

Is HTTPS slow?

HTTP vs HTTPS Performance. In general, HTTP is faster than HTTPS due to its simplicity. In HTTPS, we have an additional step of SSL handshake unlike in HTTP. This additional step slightly delays the page load speed of the website.

How does SSL affect website performance?

When the page has SSL enabled, it requires extra round trips to establish a secure connection which impacts the site performance. Studies comparing HTTP/2 vs regular HTTPS transactions show that HTTP/2 is faster and more efficient as it allows multiplexing which has a positive impact on the page performance.

Does HTTPS add overhead?

TLS overhead - SSL performance impactThere is some latency added when you switch to HTTPS. This is because the initial TLS handshake requires two extra roundtrips before the connection is established, compared to one through an unencrypted HTTP port.

1 Answers

This is a possible duplicate of several questions:

  • What is the overhead of using HTTPS compared to HTTP?
  • HTTP vs HTTPS performance
  • How much overhead does SSL impose?

The last includes this answer, including: "non-SSL sockets are less than 10 times faster than SSL sockets". However, this can be a bit misleading - be sure to read the entire answer.

You can also mitigate the performance concern, at least on the server-side, by offloading the SSL processing to another device, e.g. a dedicated load balancer or firewall.

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ziesemer Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 15:09
